Start Science Olympiad

8 years

Over 300 schools/ students


(Manual are included)



There are many ways to become involved in Science Olympiad - Coach a team, judge an event, direct a tournament, compete on your school team, serve on the Board of Directors, donate your time, contribute funds. No matter which way(s) you decide to become involved, do it now! Since Science Olympiad Nigeria relies on volunteers to run the organization and tournaments, we need your support. Contact the National director to see how you can find out more about getting involved in Science Olympiad Nigeria.

Science is a knowledge that results from our observation of the world around us. Science and technology are closely associated with our lives. The automobile and the transport industries have grown tremendously on account of the developments in science and technology. The advancements in technology have revolutionized human life and it has equally provided a great impetus to computer and telecommunications. The internet serving as an excellent communication platform has made the world flat. Science has brought luxury to daily life. Mechanization of industrial processes has reduced human effort. Household appliances in the daily use of the common man are a result of scientific research. Machines have replaced human beings in monotonous and risk bearing tasks. Scientific discoveries have made life easy.

There are many benefits to becoming part of Science Olympiad Nigeria::

  • As a School team/Coach/administartor, receive your own copy of the Science Olympiad Rules Manual (annually-updated description of events and parameters of competition). Whether you compete in Science Olympiad tournaments or not, use the rules manual to teach science ~ many schools have Science Olympiad classes. With annual changes, you'll have a great resource for students to learn and to love science.
  • Enrolling your school grants you admission to a Science Olympiad Nigeria tournament. Currently, these program is spreading to few other states and respective tournaments.. Top teams from each local government tournaments advance to the state tournament at no additional charge.Top divisional teams from the state tournament advance to the national tournament at no additional charge.
  • No additional registration fee to compete; although teams need to pay their own travel to attend tournaments.
  • Most important of all, being part means enriching the education of pupil/students in Nigeria, and opening young minds to the exciting world of science!

Join Science Olympiad Today

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There is a great need to create a scientific tradition and platform for grooming Nigeria’s would-be science and technology leaders of tomorrow thereby engendering home grown (indigenous) science and technology in Nigeria.

Duration: 1 Year

Meeting Date: 6am-12am / 11am-5pm

Fee: N15,000 Per School


Any Queries? Ask us a question at +234 8030467617